Saturday, May 31, 2008

Beautiful Flawless and Fair Skin - Only with Nuvafemme

Benefits of Nuvafemme includes:

1) Flawless, Supple and Fair Skin
Smooth, fair and flawless skin is the dream of millions of women around the world. Any fluctuations in hormone levels caused by everyday stress reduced the skin cells ability to manufacture collagen and hyaluronic acid the two key components of a healthy radiant skin.

2) Moisturizing skin from the ‘inside out’

Hyaluronic acid is naturally moisturiser inside our skin cells. However, environmental pollutants and stress cause our skin cells to manufacture lesser hyaluronic acid over time. This causes our skin to become dry and wrinkled.
One of the most important discoveries is that, genistein stimulates skin cells to manufacture more hyaluronic acid.
Skin with more hyaluronic acid is able to “trap” more water preventing moisture loss.
It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of water when on genistein supplement as hyaluronic acid will need the “extra” water to moisturise the skin from the inside.

3) Alleviating menopause symptoms

Hot flushes, irregular periods, night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood swings and vaginal thinning are some of the common symptoms of menopause symptoms. The more severe symptoms are increased risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones) and increased risk of heart problems.
All these symptoms are the result of the female estrogen dropping. Genistein is a natural and safer alternative to increase the level of estrogen in the body.

4) Keeps the calcium ‘lock-in’ the bones beyond Vitamin D

In a clinical study with genistein, Dr. Francesco Squadrito discovered that women who took 54mg of genistein a day have far denser bones than woman who are not. This amount is equivalent to 2 gallons of soy milk per day he told Reuters Health.
Take Nuvafemme today! 1 product 5 benefits

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